New Ambassadors Andy and Staci White

It's a lot of work this climbing brand thing. Motivation can ebb and flow, thankfully mostly flow.  We've got a great group of people making it all happen here at blurr, with loads of motivation for all things in and out of the office, but we're also fortunate to be able to draw on the motivation of those involved as ambassadors for our brand and fortunate to have just added some seriously motivated individuals in Andy and Staci White. Here's a bit about Andy...

Here's a snippet from the original note Andy sent us -

Over the years, I have always loved Blurr products and think they are terrific. I love that Blurr is a local, Canadian company that produces great products. I feel like Blurr is a brand well worth supporting and I would love to be part of the team!

As far as personally, I've been climbing all over North America for quite a number of years and over the last 7 or so years, have been the driving force in the massive development of the Okanagan bouldering scene. I'm a father, high school teacher, devoted boulderer, head route-setter at Beyond the Crux Climbing Gym in Kelowna, BC, guidebook and magazine article author, and am genuinely entrenched in the sport of climbing, whether it's indoor or outdoor. As I said, I've been one of the main people driving the bouldering development in our region and over the years I have put up hundreds of problems from V0-V12, have written one guidebook and I'm now working on a much larger second guide and have consistently been promoting and developing the region and the sport. In fact, I'm also the founder and organizer of the Rock the Blocs Boulderfest at the Bouderfields in Kelowna which just finished it's second very successful and popular year.

Andy putting his first batch of blurr gear through it's paces.

Andy putting his first batch of blurr gear through it's paces.

Check out this video for more on Andy and the scene in Kelowna:

Welcome to the team Andy and Staci, glad you got in touch.