The Flow Training Centre's mission is to promote creative movement, fitness, and martial arts in Squamish, BC. Flow Training Centre is a family oriented training facility specializing in Parkour, Martial Arts, and Acrobatics. The 3,000 square foot facility houses a martial arts floor, safety pads, hard and soft obstacles, seating areas, and a weight room.
Carl Fortin
Carl Fortin starred in one of the world’s first viral parkour videos, a Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) commercial six years ago. Since then he’s been in more than 21 films and 500 live performances.
A fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Carl started his martial arts training in Taekwondo at the age of 5 and attained the level of black belt at the age of 7 under Grand Master Oh Jang Yoon (9th Dan). As a teenager, Carl competed heavily and achieved 2 junior national medals and later earned a spot on the Canadian Forces National Taekwondo team. Today, Carl continues his training in various martial arts styles, including: Taekwondo, Capoeira, Jiu Jitsu, Kali, Muay Thai, Krabi Krabong, and MMA.
Carl Fortin is the Creator, Founder, and Head Instructor of Ninja Training in Squamish, BC.
Serena Ly
Serena graduated from Ryerson University with a Bachelors of Commerce majoring in Law & Business. Serena started her martial arts training in Wushu where it inspired her to also learn acrobatics, karate, and weapons (bo staff, straight sword, and nunchucks). In her university career, she began expanding her training by joining the Ryerson Cheerleading Team. She later on travelled to Thailand to learn Muay Thai, Krabi Krabong and Muay Boran. She is currently in the process of obtaining her black belt in WTF Taekwondo.
Serena is the Co-Founder, and Head Instructor for Ninja Tutoring in Squamish, BC.
Kevin Fortin
Kevin is a Certified Personal Trainer and a Assistant Instructor for Ninja Training and the Taekwondo program in Squamish Martial Arts Centre. Kevin has competed as an amateur boxer in Montreal, Quebec for over 5 years. Today, Kevin continues to expand his knowledge in martial arts through acrobatics, Muay Thai, Krabi Krabong, and Taekwondo.